Location and Patterns

The lecture from Professor Sudarshan Raj Tiwari about Location and Patterns of Towns of Kathmandu told stories of Kathmandu from archeological, legendary, and chronological perspectives. I learned that much of the city planning at the time, was based not only on religious beliefs, but also very much rooted in the cosmos. This is especially interesting and curious to me, as I always had a keen interest in our celestial body and its relationship with ancient civilizations. 

Few things that I found curious: how the city was planned based on the needs of the water usage, much like the highly sophisticated Nabateans’ hydrological techniques when building the ancient city of Petra. This draws similarities from our Bhangal community, how the needs of proper water drainage and potable water sources are still a focal point in the community; the basic human needs and survival that bring people closer together. 

Another interesting and surprising point for me, was the peaceful coexistence of Buddhism and Hinduism in Nepal, ever since the ancient times. While I do not have a particular religious affiliation, I do find the peaceful coexistence of Buddhist and Hindu beliefs intriguing, and how that integrated well into the temples and exquisite wooden carvings.

Wooden carvings with subtle differences

Wooden carvings with subtle differences

Phulbari - Unplugged

Sense of Community